Get CCPA compliant with Scytale

Welcome Data Privacy Law, CCPA, to Scytale!

Mor Avni

Product Manager


Eager to make maintaining CCPA compliance more streamlined? Or perhaps it’s your first time round and you’re looking for a solution that simplifies and fast tracks the process? Well, we’ve got good news for you! 

You can ease the CCPA process with Scytale’s automation platform, as CCPA has officially joined the group of security standards and regulations that our compliance technology supports! This enables organizations to automate and centrally manage all their CCPA tasks! We’re talking about automated evidence collection, CCPA-approved policy templates, multi-framework cross mapping and so much more. The best part? It’s not too good to be true!

This news means we can help a wider spectrum of organizations in different industries, locations and with different customer bases, to simplify their specific compliance needs.

Unsure What CCPA is Exactly?

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) gives consumers more control over their personal information that businesses collect and the CCPA regulations provide guidance on how to implement the law.

In a nutshell, the CCPA is a data privacy law intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California, United States.

Does CCPA apply to your organization? Let’s take a quick look!

The CCPA applies to organizations that do business in California and meet any of the following criteria:

  • Have a gross annual revenue of over $25 million;
  • Buy, receive, or sell the personal information of 100,000 or more California residents, households, or devices; or
  • Derive 50% or more of their annual revenue from selling California residents’ personal information.


CCPA Can Give You Sleepless Nights – So Let Automation Do the Work for You!

Ensuring compliance with CCPA gives security and compliance teams nightmares, and that’s no joke. Collecting evidence, drafting up policies and back-and-forth communication with different departments is a big task to take on!

Scytale completely transforms this compliance narrative! How exactly do we do this? Well, in simple terms, everything you need to get CCPA compliant is right here! Our team of compliance experts will help you implement all CCPA controls and remediate any gaps, while evidence is being automatically collected.

We know, it’s quite a mouthful! But what this really means is that you can leave your CCPA compliance to our automation technology, while you focus on day-to-day responsibilities and growing your business! 

Unsure of the differences between CCPA and GDPR? Take a look at our blog on CCPA vs GDPR: Data Privacy Regulations for SaaS Companies.

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