Risk Register

Ever feel like you’re drowning in risks at work and have no way to keep track of them all? You’re not alone. Risk registers are a useful tool for gathering and organizing information about the various risks facing your organization so you can gain visibility and take action.

What is a Risk Register in Risk Management?

A risk register is a document that helps organizations keep track of potential risks that could affect key business objectives. It’s a central repository where you record and monitor all the risks your company faces.

The risk register typically contains details on each risk like a description, category, owner, potential impact, likelihood of occurring, and risk rating. It also outlines controls and mitigation strategies to help reduce the possibility or effect of the risk. By compiling all this information in one place, management gets a holistic view of risks and can make better decisions around resource allocation and risk response.

Maintaining an up-to-date risk register is key to effective risk management. As new risks emerge or the likelihood/impact of existing risks changes, the register needs to be updated. It should be reviewed regularly in risk assessment meetings where leaders evaluate if current risk ratings and mitigation plans are still valid or need adjustment.

A well-crafted risk register gives organizations awareness and understanding of the uncertainty and vulnerabilities they face. With this insight, management can determine risk appetite, set priorities, and put controls in place so the company can pursue key objectives with confidence.

What is in A Risk Register

What is in A Risk Register

A risk register is a document that helps companies keep track of potential risks to their business. It contains information on each identified risk like:

What is the risk and how might it impact you? For example, a data breach exposing customer information or a supply chain disruption cutting off materials.

How likely is this risk to occur? Rate it on a scale like: Low, Medium, High.

If the risk did happen, how much damage would it cause? Rate it on a scale like: Minor, Moderate, Severe.

What actions can you take to prevent the risk or reduce its impact? Things like:

  • Implementing multi-factor authentication
  • Diversifying suppliers
  • Performing regular data backups

Who will be in charge of monitoring and addressing this risk? Assign an owner for each one.

How to Create and Maintain an Effective Risk Management Register

Creating an effective risk management register is key to gaining visibility into potential threats across your organization. A good risk register should be a living document that is continually updated as new risks emerge and existing ones evolve.

To Build a Useful Risk Register:

Identify key risks. Meet with leaders from each department to determine 3-5 of the biggest risks facing their teams. These could be operational risks, financial risks, cybersecurity risks, or others. Capture details on each risk including a description, likelihood of occurrence, potential impact, and risk owner.

Prioritize and score the risks. Use a risk matrix to plot each risk based on likelihood and impact. Higher priority risks should be addressed first. Assign an overall risk score to each item.

Determine risk mitigation strategies. For each risk, list ways to reduce likelihood and minimize impact. These could include new controls, policies, training, audits, backups, etc. Assign responsibility for implementing each strategy.

Review and revise regularly. Revisit your risk register at least quarterly to determine if any new risks should be added, if risk scores have changed, if mitigation strategies are on track, and if any risks can be closed. Make updates as needed to keep the register as a useful, up-to-date tool for risk management.


So there you have it, a breakdown on risk registers and why they matter. While risk management can seem complicated, a risk register provides a simple way to get started. By cataloging your key risks in one place, you gain valuable insights into threats that could derail your goals and priorities. Best of all, you can then take action to avoid or minimize those risks. If cybersecurity risk is a concern, a risk register is a must.