User Access Reviews Scytale

Let’s Talk About How Scytale Makes User Access Reviews a Walk in the Park

Mor Avni

Product Manager


User access reviews involve monitoring the rights and access privileges of those who can interact with your organization’s data, applications and infrastructure, including personnel, employees, vendors, service providers, and other relevant third parties.

Furthermore, user access reviews are critical for the management and auditing of user account lifecycles, as well as ensuring that the access rights to your organization’s data systems are authorized and appropriate for every user’s particular role and functions.

Some questions you should be asking yourself:

  • What kind of access rights are authorized and approved?
  • What level of access does each user have?
  • Who has access to what applications within our organization?

So how do access reviews and security compliance join worlds?

User Access Reviews and Security Compliance

In addition to safeguarding your organization’s data assets, user access reviews are a mandatory requirement of pretty much all security compliance frameworks and regulations.

However, without beating around the bush – they can be quite the headache. They have a reputation of being a manual-intensive, uber time-consuming, and costly task to take on. 

And this is where automation comes in.


Automating User Access Reviews with Scytale

With Scytale, access reviews are now quick and simple.

Customers simply need to integrate all their critical tools (such as GitHub, AWS, Google Workspace, Microsoft Azure, Okta, MongoDB, etc.) and Scytale will pull its relevant user access data automatically. For example, if GitHub is a critical tool for your organization, Scytale will automatically pull all the people in your organization who currently have access to GitHub and from there, you can then review if they should or should not have access. Scytale matches usernames with employees through a smart algorithm and automatically checks tons of access reviews across dozens of critical tools, helping our customers identify any user access deviations and if it is necessary to revoke any of these users from critical systems.

So, why is this so important? Well, in short, this means that Scytale streamlines the entire user access review process and automatically collects evidence for all relevant controls, saving our customers hundreds of hours on manually reviewing each employee’s access rights, organizing spreadsheets and gathering evidence for their audit. Additionally, this feature provides our customers with complete peace of mind regarding their security posture surrounding access control in their organization.

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