The Impact of SOC 2 on R&D: A CTO’s Roadmap to Compliance in 2024

In this webinar, you get to hear it straight from the source, as we chat with a startup CTO who shares his real-life challenges and wins of integrating SOC 2 compliance with R&D.

Join Meiran Galis (CEO of Scytale), and Alexander Tilkin (Co-Founder & CTO of Complyt) in this webinar, as they share tips on how to weave SOC 2 compliance into your R&D processes and how to keep innovating while staying compliant.

Summary of the Webinar

When it comes to SOC 2 compliance, it’s usually the CTO who takes charge of this project, especially in a startup environment, as there is no inhouse CISO or dedicated security and compliance expert. This webinar is the perfect opportunity for CTOs and tech leaders to get some practical advice straight from someone who’s been there and done that, regarding implementing SOC 2 compliance, how best to go about it and how it affects your R&D processes. So, if SOC 2 compliance is on your roadmap or you’re looking for the best way to manage your SOC 2 processes, press play!