Scytale has officially partnered with Deel, the leading global platform for hiring, HR, payroll, and compliance.
March 12, 2024Scytale Partners with Deel to Help Global Companies Get Compliant Seamlessly
March 6, 2024From Prep to Pass, Scytale Launches Its Built-In Audit, Transforming It Into The Complete Complia...
Scytale's built-in audit enables customers to track their audit progress, receive updates in real-time, and communicate with their auditor.
February 16, 2024Scytale Earns Spot in Tekpon’s Top 10 Compliance Software List
Scytale is thrilled to announce a top 10 spot in Tekpon’s prestigious 2024 list of the best compliance software. Learn more.
November 27, 2023New Framework on the Block: Hello CMMC!
You can now streamline your CMMC processes with Scytale, as CMMC has joined our arsenal of data security frameworks and regulations.
November 14, 2023Welcome Data Privacy Law, CCPA, to Scytale!
CCPA has officially joined the group of security standards and regulations that our compliance technology supports!
September 18, 2023Let’s Talk About How Scytale Makes User Access Reviews a Walk in the Park
User access reviews monitor the access privileges of those interacting with the organization’s data, applications and infrastructure.
June 22, 2023For All Our Australian Friends, You Can Now Streamline Essential Eight with Scytale
The Australian Cyber Security Centre has developed the Essential Eight, a cybersecurity framework to help protect against cyber threats.
June 20, 2023Scytale Recognized in G2 Summer 2023 Report, Including Named a Momentum Leader
Scytale is thrilled to announce its major recognition in the recently published G2 Summer 2023 Report, including named a Momentum Leader.
May 9, 2023Introducing the New Edition of Our Auditor Mode!
Let’s take a look at the latest exciting additions and enhancements to our security compliance automation platform!
March 14, 2023Get a Good Look into Your Information Security with CSA STAR – and Let Automation Take You ...
We welcome CSA STAR to the list of security compliance frameworks customers can automate with Scytale!
March 7, 2023Last Month’s Agenda: ISO 27001:2022 Updates, Add Quick Comments and Automate Your Audit Scope!
Take a look at what February had in store for our customers with some exciting updates to our compliance automation platform!
February 7, 2023GDPR Added to The Frameworks You Can Automate in Scytale
We are so excited to announce that customers can now get GDPR compliant through our compliant automation platform.